
 Please look through the following tip sections for information we hope will help you with mesh/sculpties, Tangos appliers, and items specific to collars from ::A Master's Eye::

If you ever seem to think that sculpties or mesh do not look completely smooth or formed properly, try changing the following settings:
1. Open your Advanced Menu by pressing CTRL+ALT+D
2. Select 'Debug Settings'
3. Search for 'RenderVolumeLODFactor'
4. Change the value to 4.0 and close the window.

When using Tango appliers, make sure to make a copy of your breasts first.  The best way to do this is to detach them, right click and copy them, and paste a copy into the folder with your outfit.  Should you happen to notice a dark/black line along the edge of the fabric along your breasts, this is generally due to the way SL renders alpha masks.  To correct this, so that the shadow on the fabric appears correctly, try the following:
1. Open your Preferences  Menu by pressing CTRL+P
2. Go the Graphics tab, the Rendering tab
3. Try checking or unchecking one of the boxes under Alpha Mask Rendering.  The box you choose will depend upon whether or not you have the 'Advanced Lighting Model' enabled.

One of the greatest challenges with Tango compatible clothing is getting the applier just right.  Unfortunately, not everyone will see a perfect fit each time with Tango appliers, which we are sure most of you have noticed by now.

We have done the best we could to get the Tango applier as close as possible with the apron you have purchased, but some slight adjustments on your part may be necessary since not everyone has the same size Tangos.  If the applier doesn't seem to fit properly on your Tangos, here is a way to do some minor adjustments to get the fit you need:

1. Wear your Tangos and apply the texture via the included applier object.

2. Right click your Tangos and choose Edit.

3. Click the Select Face radio button, click on the clothing texture on your Tangos, and then go to the Texture tab.

4. Gradually increase or decrease the Horizontal scale, Vertical scale, Horizontal offset and Vertical offset until you get the proper fit.  Clicking on the arrows next to each box is generally too big an adjustment.  Try adjustments like .005.

Have you ever hated that each time you go to use a pose in your collar that you have to type it out in local chat for all to see?  Don't you wish you could keep it hidden and slip into the position quietly, or perhaps to have a specific emote happen each time you used a particular pose?  Well, with the aid of these gestures, you can do just that!  Just follow these simple setup instructions and you'll be all set!

► By default all Open Collars are set to channel 1.
► By default the prefix for all Open Collars are set to the first two letters of your avatar's name, i.e. Katanya Mistral would be ka.
► You can find out what your current collar settings are set to by typing xxsettings in local chat, replacing xx with whatever your prefix is for your collar.

1. Right click each gesture and choose open.

2. You should see a text box on the lower right of the gesture window (Chat to say:) that has something like /1xxrelease in it.
    a) Click in that text box and change the 1 to the channel that your collar is set to.    If you are on channel 3, you would change it to /3xxrelease.
    b) Next, change the xx to the prefix for your collar, i.e. /3xxrelease would now become /3kmrelease.
    c) Hit enter.  You should see the text in the Steps: box above the Chat to say: text box updates to reflect your changes.
    d) [Optional] If you wanted to emote a set line each time you use this pose, you can do so by adding another chat line.  To do this, under Library, click on Chat and then the Add >> button next to the Library.  This will add a blank Chat line below the one you had just finished setting up.  In the Chat to say: text box you can enter your emote, i.e. /me slowly rises to her feet.  Hit enter, and you will see the second Chat: in the Steps: box update to your emote text.
3. Click the checkbox next to the word Active in the lower left corner of the gesture window.

4. Click the Save button in the lower right corner of the gesture window.

To use these gestures as shortcuts in local chat for your poses, simply type part or all of the following:
    For Adjust Pose type:        /pose  (This animation is helpful when you need to adjust clothing or   attachments but can't rez a pose stand.)
    For AO On type:                 /ao-on      (This turns on your Open Collar AO)
    For AO Off type:                /ao-off     (This turns off your Open Collar AO)
    For Bara type:                    /bara
    For Bracelets type:             /bracelets
    For Display type:                /display
    For Hair type:                    /hair
    For Lesha type:                 /lesha
    For Nadu type:                  /nadu
    For Nadu Serve type:        /naduserve  (This is for a Southern style serve pose from the nadu position)
    For Obeisance type:          /obeisance
    For Release type:               /release    (This is how you release your avatar from any of the posing animations you may currently be in.)
    For Submit type:                /submit
    For Sula type:                    /sula                                                           
    For Tower type:                 /tower
    For Tower Serve type:       /towerserve (This is for a Southern style serve pose from the tower position)

Our collars are designed with animations that generally fit a medium sized female avatar.  We realize that this does not apply to everyone, so we have included additional versions of these animations that have been adjusted for different sized avatars.

***Please be warned that this process involves some advanced editing knowledge.  Read these instructions carefully, and make a copy of your collar before you attempt any changes.***

To see which animations best fit your avatar and switch them out:

1. First, try on and adjust your collar accordingly, then use one of the positions.  If your avatar is hovering above the ground, you may need to switch to an animation designed for a taller avatar.  If your avatar is sinking into the ground, you may need to switch to an animation designed for a shorter avatar.

2. If your avatar was hovering above the ground, or sinking into it, with one of the positions already in the collar, try the other versions of that animation that we have provided you with.  Find the one that is the closest fit for you, with the least amount of hovering or sinking visible when your avatar is using it.  It is advised you turn off any AO before you test these animations.

3. Make note of which animation is the best fit for your avatar.  Detach your collar and make a copy of it in your inventory.

4. Rez the new collar copy on the ground.  Make sure you are located somewhere where building and scripts are enabled.  Try not to rez your collar on sculpts or mesh if possible, as Second Life generally doesn't like this.

--There are two methods included below, noted by the a or b following the number.  a series steps are for collars that have been updated to OpenCollar 6.4+  b series steps are for collars prior to 6.4 or those who have a better grasp of editing.--

***This process is slightly less involved, but only works on collars that have been updated to OpenCollar 6.4+  This process will also only work if you are adding new poses, not trying to replace a pose.  If you have not updated or you are switching out a specific pose, please follow the steps below this section, or come back to this section after using the Removing Poses section at the end.***

5a. Right click on the rezzed copy of your collar and choose Edit.  Click on the Content tab.  (You should see notecards and scripts already present.)

6a. Drag and drop your new pose(s) into the Content tab.  Avoid adding poses that have the same names as other poses in your collar.

7a. In Nearby/Local Chat, type [prefix] mv anims.  This will move your new poses into the proper prim in your collar.  Replace [prefix] with whatever is set as your prefix on that collar, i.e. the default for Katanya Mistral would be ka, so you would type ka mv anims.

8a. This step is optional, but advised to avoid confusion.  Switch to the General tab and rename the collar so you know it is the one with your proper animations in it.

9a. Take this collar back into your inventory and attach it.

***Please be warned that this process involves some advanced editing knowledge.  Read these instructions carefully, and make a copy of your collar before you attempt any changes.***

5b. Zoom in on your collar so you can clearly see the prims you are working with.  The best way to do this is to hold down the left ALT key while using the left mouse button to click where you want to zoom into.  If you continue to hold both keys you can move your mouse forward and back to adjust your zoom level.  If you move your mouse left or right while doing this you can adjust your left and right angle.

6b. The prim you add and delete poses from is called the Animator.  To see it type <prefix> show animator in Local Chat, replacing <prefix> with whatever you have set as the prefix for your collar.

7b. Right click and edit your collar.  In the edit window click on the checkbox for Edit linked so that there is now a check mark there.

8b. You should now see a red, conical prim attached to your collar.  Click on this prim.  If you switch to the General tab of the edit window, you should see that this is the Animator prim.

9b. Switch to the Content tab.  Scroll through the contents of this prim until you have found the animation you need to switch out.  Right click on the animation to replace in the collar and select Delete.  It may take a moment for the contents of this prim to update.

10b. Drag the new animation from your inventory into this prim.  It may take a moment for the contents of this prim to update.

11b. Right click on the animation you just dragged into this prim and rename it to its shortened form, i.e. towertall would become tower.

12b. This step is optional, but advised to avoid confusion.  Uncheck the Edit linked box in your edit window.  Switch to the General tab and rename the collar so you know it is the one with your proper animations in it.

13b. You no longer need to see the Animator prim, so type <prefix> hide animator.

14b. Take this collar back into your inventory and attach it.

We realize that each avatar in SL has its own unique shape.  We cannot guarantee that the animations included will fit your avatar correctly, but we have tried to do our best by providing you options.  Feel free to replace these with your own animations if you wish.

How to remove poses from your collar, if you have updated to OpenCollar 6.4+:

1. Before making any changes to your collar, we recommend making a copy of your collar to work with, as you may have done previously when adding animations.  Rename this copy in your inventory before you begin.

2. Detach the current copy of your collar, and wear/add this new copy.

3. In Nearby/Local Chat, type [prefix] rm pose.  This will bring up a pose remove menu, where you can select the pose you want to remove via the presented list and buttons in a dialog window.  Replace [prefix] with whatever is set as your prefix on that collar, i.e. the default for Katanya Mistral would be ka, so you would type ka rm pose.  If you know the specific pose you want to remove, you can also type [prefix] rm pose <posename>, where you replace <posename> with the name of the pose you want to replace, i.e. ka rm pose tower.

(A note on No Copy poses: through this new method, when you choose to remove a pose that is set to No Copy permissions, the collar will prompt you with an inventory offer of that pose.  Once you click Accept, that pose will be moved to your Animations folder in your inventory.)

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