Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Update Process

Now that Open Collar has finalized the new build version, our upgrading of our collars can being in earnest.  This will be a slow process since we are rebuilding each collar, not just using the transmuter that has been released, and each collar will need to go through a series of checks and tests.  We will also be adding an updater script to the collars to hopefully ease some frustrations in the future.  Texture change collars currently without a HUD system will have one added as we know the texture change system through Open Collar has never quite been what we hoped, and the new theme system we feel will not be adequate with all of the texture options we offer.

Please be patient as you wait for your collar to make it through this process.  When your collar has been updated, there will be an announcement via the in world group, in world mailing list, blog, and via the CasperVend system.  Contacting Katanya prior to that (since some folks still fail to read Dylan's profile and realize she is the contact point for everything) will not get you bumped ahead in line.  Katanya will not be doing personal updates for individuals, that is non-negotiable.  This includes people who message her and ask for a copy version of a collar so they can do the update themselves.

Dylan is designing a new collar for next month's We Love Roleplay, and Katanya will be swamped with the update process (and this is on top of our RL jobs, full time college, and lives in general), so again, we ask that everyone please remain patient.  It is important to us that we provide you with top quality products, and we hope you understand that takes time, especially when going through such a large system change.

For those that may have missed previous messages, here is what is changing with this new Open Collar system, and our extra updates:
► The new Open Collar system consists of a minimum of 6 prims that must be added to the prims that our collars are constructed with (we will have 7 since we add the prim for titles, but we do not add bells or locks).
► The old system had all scripts, notecards, and animations in one prim, but these are now split between the new prims.
► Collar prims have to be linked in a specific order now or the collars will not function.  This is why each of our collars has to be rebuilt, and why it will be important for you to make a copy of your collar before you make any structural changes to it.  We will not offer support for customers that have unlinked their collars to remove prims or added new prims.  Make a copy, or get a redelivery.
► Permissions of all full release collars are being updated to Modify/Copy/No Transfer.
► All animations are being checked again to make sure the correct versions are in all collars.
► All texture change collars will be updated to texture change via a HUD.
► With the new OC system you will no longer have an RLV relay in your collar; you will either have to use a HUD relay or run an update yourself to include the legacy relay plugin.  We do not provide either of these, and will not offer support on them.
► You will no longer have the badwords, camera, or RLV un/dress applications in your collar, but can run an update yourself to add in these legacy functions.  We do not provide these, and will not offer support on them.
► A sub AO and owner HUD will no longer be included with our collars as they have been completely reworked, so you will need to pick up the new devices from Open Collar yourself.  We do not provide these, and will not offer support on them.
► We will no longer offer custom leash particles.
► We will not be taking time to explain all of the changes found with the new Open Collar system.  It is up to you to learn where things have been moved as well as how your collar functions.  Learning the new prefix is your first step.
► Redelivery of collars will be available after they have been updated to the new permissions.
► If you are buying a collar for someone else, you will need to use the gifting function on our vendors or through the SL Marketplace.  We will not refund customers for mistaken purchases unless it was a duplicate purchase.
► An updater script will be added to our collars which should hopefully streamline the process in the future.  This will not include updates to Open Collar, which you will still need to apply yourself.
► Gacha version collars will be the last collars to be updated.

Please realize that we cannot provide support for items we have not produced, but we always try to have the resources available to you for guidance through links on our blog.  You may continue to IM Katanya for support, and she will do her best to point you in the right direction.

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