Since many of you have updated collars that you haven't worn yet, and you have been seeing our messages about further updates to them, you may be wondering how you receive those updates.
1. The update script is in the collar itself, so you will not be sent the update unless you are wearing the collar.
2. Since already updated full release collars are now copy, you have the option of visiting the main store and requesting a redelivery from the ::A Master's Eye:: redelivery terminal. It's a crate by the front door.
The update script was added to make this process easier for you and for us. After you have received an updated collar, you will not be receiving "hand" delivered updates from us any more. If you have seen a notice by us that there is an update available for your collar, you need to use one of the above two methods to receive your update.
You have the option to opt out of the update process, postpone it until the next version release, or wait until an hour after the next time the collar is rezzed. If you choose to opt out of the update process, you still have option 2 above available to you.
We do not plan to have as many updates as we have had recently. The switch to the OpenCollar 6.x system has had some growing pains, and we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. If you have further questions, please contact Katanya.
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