Monday, February 27, 2017

OC 6.4 Updates Complete

We are sure most of you have already applied OpenCollar updates to your collars prior to this notice, but we wanted to let you all know that we have taken the time to go through and manually update all collars available in world and on Marketplace to OpenCollar 6.4. Some of our customers seem confused by the OC update process, so we hope this helps.

This update did not include a change to our updater system, so you will not be prompted to have, nor will you be sent an updated collar from our system. Should you need the update, you can visit the redelivery terminal at our main store, or request a redelivery from any of our in world vendors (left click one of our vendors, choose the "Redeliver" button; this can also be done from any other CasperVend merchant, but it is easier for you if it is one of ours).

If you need any help with OC updates, or other features, please send Katanya Mistral a notecard or use the contact page here on the blog.

For those of you that are still being prompted by our system about an update to your collar: this is from the updates we did last year, 2016, in February and March. If you have questions on this, please contact Katanya Mistral as well, but to stop receiving these you can either opt out of the update system or make sure you wear the collar in the latest package delivered to you.

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