Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Gacha Collars have been retired

 All gacha collar vendors have been removed from our in world store.  I have still not made the decision on whether or not they will return with updated permissions and poses.  If they are brought back in any form, they will not have pricing equivalent to what they were as gacha collars, but will be more.  Due to my computer crashing, I have lost all of my original artwork for these, and I simply do not have the time in RL at the moment to remake the ads, nor does Katanya have the time to make the permissions changes and such.  We will announce here and in world if they are ever brought back.

For now, we no longer offer any collars in Transfer permissions.  You will need to buy as a gift from our in world vendors or from Marketplace.  Just a reminder for everyone again, Marketplace prices are 10% higher than in world, as is stated in each listing.

The random gacha vendor box from Kat's little shop is also gone, though it may return in a format that meets the new LL requirements, and the random G&S item vendor bag is gone.  We will repackage the G&S items from the bag and sell in a couple of boxes.

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