Thursday, January 30, 2014

We were interviewed!

We had the enormous honor of being interviewed by Pew Fairlock Celtigar (Pewpew Zero) of The Good Gorean blog fame!  Watch this space as we will be posting the link to the blog post and the transcript from the interview.  Thank you so much for this opportunity!

The blog post:

The interview:  (a side note, I let my girl do the talking, she's my little word smith)

[14:05]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( Hi Dylan and Katanya! Before we start i want to say thank you for accepting in making this interview , i believe will give a chance for the readers to get to know better the creators of "A Master's Eye".
[14:06]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( I want to start asking you both for how long you have been playing SL?

[14:07]  Dylan Eun: since late 2006 for myself..a 3 year break recently but back
[14:07]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): I've been here since 2005.  Got introduced by a furry friend.
[14:08]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( When did you started roleplaying in Second Life and what Roleplay Communities/Worlds you most enjoy playing in?
[14:10]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): I guess I started role playing right away.  I used to work at one of the major clubs in world, but then I finally branched out to my secret interest of D/s.  I learned about Gor and have been in it since 2006.  My Master started off in Port Victoria.  I started off in some private homes, attended a school to further my knowledge (though I didn't need it too much), and then ended up in Nyoka.  We love Gor.  We love being in a rustic setting, surrounded by the simple things in life.
[14:12]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( That is wonderful and i surely understand what you mean! Why did you guys made the decision of opening "A Master's Eye"?
[14:15]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): We used to be sim owners.  We took a break for a while, and since we came back, we decided to try adding a bit of what we really loved to the roleplay clothing available.  We felt that Celtic, Viking, and simple looks really fit into the world.  My Master felt that it would be fun to design from the standpoint of what he would like to see my chain sisters and I wearing, and I just try to help by keeping him inspired.
[14:18]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( I was going to ask you next in what  "A Master's Eye" stands out from the other fantasy stores, but i believe it was just answered. Anything you would like to add?
[14:19]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): His clothing is a lot better than what I used to sell *giggles*  I do think he upholds the idea I had with my former store, "Be a real kajira, not a silken pedestal princess!"
[14:27]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( laughs!
[14:27]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( So share with us the future plans you guys have for "A Master's Eye"? Are you looking to expanding it in some way?

[14:39]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): Well my Master has always been a good builder, our old village was evidence of that. He would like to eventually branch out to making other items with a Celtic, Viking, or medieval theme. He is working on learning more about mesh to improve his creations. We hope to offer more authentic items in the future that are based on descriptions from the Gor novels, but we would also like to offer some items with a bit of an edge to them in order to appeal to a wider audience beyond simple BTBers, like Gor Evolved and general medieval roleplayers.
[14:40]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( I believe this brief interview will give a good idea to the readers to what "A Master's Eye" is all about. But before we end this interview i wanted to ask you a off-topic question. Some players complain that gorean roleplay it's not what it used to be and in the old days was much more fun. If you agree with this and if was given the chance for you to change one thing in SL gorean roleplay, what would it be?
[14:41]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( for a moment i feel like i'm on 60 min

[14:42]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): We would just like to see the community come back together instead of arguing about whose version of Gor is right. It would be great if everyone didn't think they had to run off and create a new sim just so they can have their version of Gor. We think everyone should learn to live and play together, because all the infighting really isn't helping us as a community.. We wish everyone could learn to just have fun again.
[14:44]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( Any special message you guys want to say to all your present and future customers? Take advantage of it, it's free!
[14:44]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral) can't help but chuckle.
[14:46]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): We just really hope that everyone enjoys what my Master creates, and we are always open to hear what ideas people may have for future releases. He is trying to create as quickly as he can, and there should be a new release by the end of the week, so we encourage everyone to check back often, whether that be in world, through the SL Marketplace, our Flickr group, or our blog.
[14:47]  Pew Fairlock Celtigar ( Thank you so much for your time! My best wishes for "A Master's Eye" and continue to pamper the roleplayers of SL with your fantastic clothing.
[14:47]  Katanya Shannara (katanya.mistral): We really can't thank you enough for this opportunity to share with you.

1 comment:

  1. ahahah that was tons of fun!! thanks for accepting it!! xox
