All ::A Master's Eye:: questions, comments, issues and market invitations should be sent to me. This is the way Dylan wants things so he is free to create, without distractions. Yes, I am allowed to check if he has received such messages, but the amount of offlines he receives from all of the different groups we need to be in means your messages will likely be overlooked anyway. Both of us constantly have our offline deliveries capped, but I do my best to check for IMs and notecards as often as I can.
I have been dealing with customers in SL for over 9 years now. This is why I go out of my way to provide you with notecards about your products, especially any issues you may run into. This is also why I am easily frustrated when I receive the same questions over and over on issues that are already explained by a notecard, our profiles, or on the blog.
Don't just IM me and say hi. Tell me why you are contacting me, your exact issue/question/request/etc. Be detailed. If you send a notecard include your name so I don't have to look at the properties of it to figure out who dropped it on me. Please be patient and courteous. If you are insistent, rude, use Caps Lock, or your English is atrocious, you are likely to rile my temper and receive snarky responses.
I'm sorry, but the customer is not always right, but I will always try to solve your problem if I can. Please, please read the notecards that come with your items from both ::A Master's Eye:: and ~A Slave's Heart~. They were included with your product for a reason. This also extends to your responsibility as a consumer to read our release notice notecards and blog postings, as well as pay close attention to our vendor images, before your purchase. We are not responsible for your misunderstanding regarding what you bought. Permissions are clearly marked, and information is provided in world, through the store group and mailing list, as well as on the SL Marketplace and Primbay, so you know what you are getting.
Dylan and I spend a ridiculous amount of hours on each item we put out for sale. We try to make every release perfect. The items you are purchasing have been tested for many hours, but SL has
a tendency to ruin even the greatest items and scripts. There are
certain things that are out of our control, especially Open Collar
scripts, but I do make every effort to provide you with the knowledge to
make these things work the way you want them to.
As we try to be understanding of you, our customers, and meet your needs, wants and issues as best we can, please also try to be understanding of us. Dylan works two full time jobs in real life, six days a week. I am a full time college student, have a part time job, and also have to spend my limited free time studying and testing for certifications. Our stores are a hobby, and SL is supposed to be fun. As with the RP sims we once owned, if the stores become a chore, take up too much time, or take too much out of me because of dealing with far too many volatile/needy/impatient people (all of which were reasons why our sims closed), the stores will be closed.
Being a merchant is not easy, especially in SL. We are not a big store, and we don't receive many sales when compared to others, but we still have to deal with a lot of customers. We want to make your SL a more beautiful and enjoyable place. We want to make any transactions through our stores a good experience for you and us. Please remember that we need your help for all of this to happen.
Thank you,
-Katanya Mistral
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